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American Bad Boy: A Military Romance Page 16

  Oh shit.

  I can’t tear my eyes away even as I watch the blade thicken and transform before my eyes. The sleek sword grows short and crude as it turns into an ax in his hands.


  “Hi-eee-ah!” he screams, the ax chops down into the grapefruit and I stare in disbelief as the belt around the man’s head twists up into a turban. His white skin tans darker before my eyes and his little chin sprouts a salt and pepper beard.

  I freeze. My throat burns dry and I can’t speak. The food truck disappears and the sand returns. I’m back at the Shura again.

  He lifts the ax back up again and yells loudly, “No!” I manage, but it’s too late. I watch as the blade sinks into Thompson’s head, the blood dripping down over his lips as the pink of his brain is exposed to the air.

  I force my feet to move, the asphalt reappears under my shoes as I instinctively hurdle myself to the side of a garbage can. The bile rises in my throat and I puke into the can, grasping onto the sides for support. Wiping my mouth with the back of my hand, I look back over my shoulder at the scene. The fruit ninja truck reappears and on the block is a watermelon cut in two. Not my corporal’s head.

  People I’ve never met stare at me and judge, but I don’t care. Fuck people.

  “Shit, are you ok? What happened?” Chelsea swoops up beside me.

  “Yeah,” I lie. “I’m good, I uh, I guess that roller coaster did more of a number on me than I thought.” I try to sound convincing.

  “Really? We should probably get Chris and Lauren and get you back to the hotel then.”

  “No!” She steps back and peers up at me. “Sorry, I just don’t want to ruin such a nice day. I’m fine, I really am. I’m just not as young as I used to be, can’t take those crazy rides anymore I guess.” My voice has more conviction now. I almost believe myself. “Plus, I still want to take Lauren on the Ferris wheel. That’s where I want to propose. I swear, I’m fine, ok? Don’t tell her about this, it’ll just get her all worried again.” I plead.

  Chelsea bites her lip and searches my face for the truth. “Ok,” she agrees finally. “Let’s go find them. But no more roller coasters!” she chides.

  “Cross my heart,” I follow her toward the picnic tables.

  I can promise that I won’t go on anymore roller coasters, but how can I promise that this will never happen again?

  I can’t.



  “We should probably get back to the hotel,” I look at the sun sliding down in the sky, like a barometer for our energy levels after such a long day.

  “Awww, but Mom, I’m not even tired,” Chris yawns as soon as he utters the words. I can’t help but laugh. He hasn’t changed since he was in diapers. Always trying to get one more story or play just one more game before his bedtime.

  “Well you might not be, but I am.” I rub my hand over his short, black hair.

  Mack doesn’t say anything, he looks distracted. He’s been acting kind of distant all afternoon. Ever since him and my sister went to get food. I know Chelsea wanted to talk to him about something, I just hope she didn’t get under his skin. I know my big sister has the best of intentions and that she’s fiercely protective of Chris and I, but she can come on a little strong.

  “What do you think? Are you ready to get going?” I drop my voice and turn to look at Mack. He’s so handsome. The way the sun is bouncing off his blue eyes and highlighting the tiny red hairs in his beard. He looks rugged. Sexy. I might be able to get a second wind when we get back to the hotel room. Even more inspiration to get this show on the road.

  “Hmmm,” he slowly shakes free from whatever thoughts are consuming him. “Go? Oh, no, I wanted to go on one more ride before we leave.” He looks over at me and then quickly over to Chelsea.

  “Jeez, you’re just as bad as Chris,” I chuckle. Of course he is. Like father like son.

  “No, I mean, I want to take you on the Ferris wheel before we go. Just the two of us,” his smile makes the corners of his eyes crinkle. How can I resist anything this man wants?

  “Hey, bud,” Chelsea cuts in, “whaddya say you and I head back to our room and watch some tv? I’ll let ya order room service for some ice cream.” She throws her arm around my son and gives him a little squeeze.

  “Really? Yeah! Ok.” Chris is easy to keep happy. I’m so happy I have my son back. The boy who is carefree and smiles easily.

  “We’ll see you two at breakfast tomorrow,” Chelsea winks at me. At least I think it’s at me. I get the feeling she may have meant it for Mack.

  “Thanks,” I smile back at her, but she’s not paying attention to me. She is looking at Mack. What’s that about? “Be good for your aunt and don’t stay up too late, ok?” I put my arms on Chris’s shoulders and give him as much of a hug as he’ll allow in public anymore.

  “Mom!” he groans, looking around self-consciously. I guess I’ve still managed to embarrass him.

  “We’ll be fine; you guys just enjoy your night.” Chelsea finally looks at me and steers Chris toward the exit under her arm.

  I watch them walk away and then turn to Mack. He looks so good in the rosy hue that the setting sun is casting on his skin. I mean, he looks good in any hour of the day, but the golden hour was given that name for a reason. Desire prickles over me and I throw my arms over his shoulders and stand on my tippy-toes to give him a quick kiss.

  “You know; we could head back to the hotel too. I’m not interested in watching a movie, but I think I can keep you entertained,” I murmur against his cheek.

  “I’m going to take you up on that,” he slides his hand across my lower back and presses me tight to his hard body. “Right after we go on the Ferris wheel together.”


  “Um, ok. I guess.” I’ll admit it, I’m pouting a little. How can going on a dumb ride be more important that us getting naked together?

  “Oh come on, put that lip away,” he smiles and gives me a squeeze. “I’ve known you since you were six and we’ve never ever gone on a single ride together. Let’s just do one spin on the wheel and then I’ll take you on a different kind of ride,” his voice deepens and my pussy clenches at the thought.

  “Well since you put it that way,” I step back and hold his hand, “lead the way.”

  As we cross the park grounds hand-in-hand, I remember how we used to walk around our high school at lunchtime like this. I was so proud to be the one on Mack Forrester’s arm, while all the jealous girls wished they were me. It feels like no time has passed between us as I feel the heat of his palm against mine, reassuring me that I’m still his girl.

  We get to the line for the Ferris wheel and I’m happy to see that the crowd has thinned out enough that we’ll be on the next ride. It’s not that I don’t want to spend time with Mack, I appreciate the sentiment and everything, but I have more urgent matters to tend to back at the hotel. Like the matter of removing all his clothes and worshipping every inch of his cut, strong body. Things like that.

  “Wait here one sec, ok?” Mack smirks at me and let’s go of my hand. He walks away before I answer him and I watch as he cuts to the front of the line and starts talking to the guy running the wheel.

  What on earth is he doing?

  The man in charge of the ride stands up and shakes Mack’s hand vigorously. Mack pulls out his wallet and pulls out a bill, folding it over in his hand and presses it into the guy’s hand, but the man refuses. He waves his hands at him like windshield wipers in a downpour. What is he up to now? The last time I saw Mack do something like this was on our prom night when he paid the guy in the garage at the Colorado golf club to use the golf cart. The two of them shake hands again and Mack walks back to me with swagger and a smile.

  “What was that all about?” I eye him suspiciously.

  “Nothing to worry about, just having a nice chat that’s all.” he teases me.

  “Uh huh,” I know Mack Forrester and I know when he’s up to something. However, I don
’t have time to get it out of him because the line starts moving forward and we shuffle along to our spots on the ride.

  As we reach the front of the line, where the man who runs the wheel stands, he looks over at Mack and gives him a friendly nod. We take our seat and pull the bar over our laps, locking it in place tight.

  “I know you’re up to something, Mack.”

  He opens his eyes wide, giving me his best attempt at an innocent look, “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

  “Uh huh.”

  The chair lurches backward and we start to spin up around the Ferris wheel. Whatever Mack’s up to slips my mind as we climb to the top of what feels like the world and the vibrant pink splashes across the sky catch my eye. “Oh my God, the sunset is amazing from up here,” I whisper and Mack tucks his arm around me.


  Our seat comes to a dead halt as soon as we reach the summit of the ride. Are you kidding me? I look over at Mack, I guess I didn’t have to wait long to learn his plan.

  “Mack, if you think for one second that I’m going to have sex with you up here, you better think again,” I whisper loudly.

  He doesn’t say a word; his eyes twinkle mischievously.

  “There’s seriously no way. Are you nuts?” I hiss nervously looking around.

  “Lauren, calm down. That’s not why I got him to stop the ride,” he slips his hand into his pocket and pulls out a small box. Before I can process any of it, he flips the velvet lid open and pulls out a diamond ring.

  “Oh, Mack!”

  “Lauren, listen, I had big plans to bring you up here and tell you how you’re more gorgeous than this sunset,” he nods toward the deepening shades of pink and purple painted across the sky surrounding us. “And how those first stars you see coming out right now are nothing compared to the twinkle in your eyes. Don’t get me wrong. That’s true. But, really, I just want us to have memories of a lifetime worth of sunsets blurring together. I want you to take my name, to be my wife, to give me children. Well, more children. I want you. Forever.”

  “Oh, of course. Yes. Yes!” My voice wavers and I feel like I’m in a dream. Mack pulls the ring out of the box and grabs my hand, sliding the sparkling diamond down my finger.

  “You’re mine. Forever,” he murmurs happily.

  “Forever,” I agree, resting my head on his shoulder I hold my hand up to the sky and admire my ring against the fading sunset. I want to take a mental photograph of this moment and remember it forever as the day that my life began again.




  The elevator doors pop open on our floor and Mack scoops me up off the ground, cradling me in his arms.

  “What are you doing?” I squeal, kicking my legs in the air lightly. I love how easily Mack can sweep me off my feet. Literally.

  “I’m gonna carry the bride across the thresh hold,” there’s no mistaking the intention written all over his face. If I was a wounded gazelle, I’d be nervous to see an animal look down on me like this. But what Mack doesn’t know yet is that I’m no gazelle. I’m a lion.

  “We’re not married yet,” I fake a protest. Honestly, I hope he doesn’t put me back on my feet. I love being in his arms.

  Mack stops in front of our room door and effortlessly adjusts me in his hold as he fishes the card for the door out of his pocket.

  Sch-wick. Beep! The door swings open for us. Mack walks through and kicks it shut with his prosthetic leg.

  He’s come a long way, even in the short time span he spent at Spalding. His movements are so graceful now, he’s mastered the nuances of balancing on one leg, or carrying women to bed. I bet he’ll be ready to ride his motorcycle again soon. The idea floods me with a new wave of desire. The idea of his sitting on his bike, with a leather jacket and his tattoos peeping out from under the collar.

  Why are we still wearing clothes right now?

  “It might not be our wedding night yet,” Mack walks me to the end of the bed and tosses me onto it, “but, I’m gonna fuck you like we’re on our honeymoon.”

  “Isn’t that what you did on the weekend?” My eyes travel greedily over him as he unbuttons his shirt. He slides it down over his shoulders and one by one his tattoos make an appearance. Each a symbol for a moment in his life I wasn’t there for. As much as I love his ink, it hurts to see the marks of time we never had together permanently etched into his skin.

  “The weekend was a nice test drive,” he drops his shirt to the floor behind him, “but now I’m gonna ride ya like I stole ya.” His blue eyes glint under the low light and my heart whooshes in my ears.

  “Stand up here,” Mack reaches forward and tugs my hand so I can get my feet under me on the bouncy bed. “I’ve got a good view from here,” he smirks up at me.

  “Of what?” I look down at him and steady myself on the bed.

  “Of you stripping for me, sweetheart.” He lets go of my hand and turns around, grabbing the little chair at the desk across the room. Dragging it to the end of the bed, he takes a seat and looks up at me expectantly.

  I’ve never stripped for anyone before. Joel was a good man, but he was not very exciting in bed. I feel a little silly, but the fire in Mack’s eyes helps me find my courage. “I don’t have any music,” I say tossing out my best excuse.

  “Well, let me fix that for you then.” Mack stands and turns on the tv to the music station. Nicki Minaj appears on the screen in hot pink spandex while Sir Mix-A-Lot’s voice gives me some inspiration. “My anaconda don’t want none unless you got buns, hun.”

  Mack sits back down in his seat, “Perfect song for you.” He smiles up at me.

  Ok. I got this.

  I swivel my hips and fall straight back onto my big butt, and I cannot lie … it’s embarrassing. I look past the laugh that Mack’s trying to suppress over his shoulder at the tv. On the screen, Nicki is on all fours, making Drake re-evaluate his life as she shakes her ass.

  Alright, I got this.

  I quickly pull my shirt over my head and throw it over Mack’s face.

  “Hey, what are you doing?” He pulls the shirt down and I’m on my back squirming out of my pants.

  “You don’t get to speak. You get to watch,” I purr, dropping my jeans onto the floor beside the bed. Mack’s stifled laugh evaporates into the air and his eyes narrow, but I’ve got his attention.

  I flip over onto my hands and knees, facing the headboard, so my thick curves are on display for Mack. Leaning down onto my elbows, I pop my ass in the air and shimmy my hips until my round cheeks are trembling to the beat. I look over my shoulder and Mack is silent. He looks like he’s under a spell. A surge of confidence charges through me and I crawl forward on the bed, slowly, stretching my legs out. Then I push myself back, until I’m at the very edge of the bed, my ass shaking and my pussy only inches from Mack’s face.

  From his mouth.

  I drop my head back to the comforter again, my ass still trembling, and press my ear flat against the bed. I push my breasts down onto the mattress so my ass is accentuated even more. I can feel Mack’s breath on the inside of my thighs, my pussy growing wet with desire.

  “Don’t move,” Mack growls. Before I have a chance, I feel his strong hands on my hips, pining me in place. He leans forward until his lips are brushing the edge of my panties, and grazes his teeth across my skin as he bites the edge of them and tugs them down over my ass until my pussy is exposed to the air.

  I breathe into the comforter, my chest pressing into the mattress every time I fill my lungs. Suddenly, Mack’s warm tongue snakes between my lips and quickly finds my aching clit. His nose presses in between my cheeks as he buries his face in my ass. He cups his tongue up over my clit and then flattens it out, making me moan and twist the comforter in my fingers.

  Mack’s hands drop from my hips and his fingers slide up between my thighs, digging into my flesh, he opens me wide for him until it’s almost painful. Lucky for me, he’s there to kiss it all bet
ter. His lips surround my clit and his soft tongue flickers over me relentlessly, all I can do is groan as the pleasure wracks my body.

  “Oh fuck, don’t stop!” I cry out. Ecstasy floods my body, like a star exploding into a supernova, it ripples out from my pussy and rushes through me. My toes are curled and my fingers are twisted in cloth as my eyes roll back and I cry out.

  Mack moves away from me, and I’m frozen in place. No man has ever made me feel like he does. I feel like a goddess being worshipped on his tongue.

  It’s time to return the favor.

  I sit back up and blood rushes to my head. When I stop seeing stars, I turn around and Mack is standing in front of the chair now, completely naked.

  God damn, he’s big. His thick cock is ready for me, swaying slightly under it’s own weight.

  Sliding off the end of the bed, I stand up in front of him and kick off my panties that are still tangled half way down my thighs.

  “You need to sit back down,” I instruct him. “I’m not done my show yet.” I push him lightly and he plops back down on the chair. “Oh, what do you have in mind?” he murmurs. But I won’t tell him, I’ll show him. I slip between his thighs and slide down onto my knees in front of my man. His prosthetic leg is cool against my skin on the one side and in striking contrast to the soft warmth radiating from his other leg. I remember when we had sex at my house, it took a bit to adjust to the new sensation, but I love it.

  Mack has been my hero since we were young and he punched Benjamin Reed right in the nose for pushing me into a mud puddle. I remember how devastated I was as the dirty water soaked up into my pastel yellow dress and how Mack pulled me to my feet and set Benjamin straight. I couldn’t help but smile when he wiped away my tears with his swollen knuckles. I knew then that he was my hero for life.

  His leg is just a physical reminder of how I now have to share my hero with the rest of America.