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TinderElla: Page 26

  “I shoved her. Hard. She fell backward and everyone gasped. Even I gasped. I couldn’t believe I let myself lose it to that extent. I’d never, ever laid a hand on her in malice before that. Never. But I snapped. She ran off and I was shunned by the group. As I should’ve been.”

  “Man, what were you thinking?” I chide him. “Why didn’t you ever just get help for your temper. That’s not okay, Marcus,” I can’t believe my ears.

  “I did. I turned to the church, first to get help and then I found a calm there, a peace, I’d never felt before. Suddenly my anger stopped controlling me. So, I devoted my life to God. I deserved to lose Sandra, but when I saw you again, after all these years, I lost it all over again. You know I have had control over my anger now for almost fifteen years. I thought I had it beat. Then I saw you with Lottie and it all came back.”

  “I don’t know what to say, man,” I rub the back of my neck.

  “That’s because you don’t need to say anything. I’m the one in the wrong here. After Charlotte left, I started looking for a counselor outside the church.” He looks at me.

  “Like a therapist?”

  “Yeah, I found someone. I’m supposed to meet her this week. I know it won’t be an easy fix, but I want to change. I want to be in Lottie’s life. In your life. I want to be a good uncle, if you guys will have me.”

  “Of course we will,” I smile. But the word uncle makes my heartstrings tug down. Will he be an uncle at all? Will I be a father? What is going on with Charlotte?

  “Connor McLean?” The ridiculously young man in scrubs that led Charlotte down the hall calls out to me from across the room.

  I stand up abruptly, “Is she alright? Is the baby okay?” I start sputtering.

  “Sir, please come with me.” He waits as I cross the floor to his side. I look over my shoulder to Marcus, still slumped over in his chair.

  “Marcus,” he looks up at me with surprise. “Come with me. Charlotte’s gonna want to see you too,” I jerk my head to the nurse waiting and he jumps up from the uncomfortable waiting room chair and we all walk down the hallway together.


  I lean back into the hospital bed, watching the fetal heart rate monitor they have set up beside me. Watching that little printout of my baby’s reassuringly steady heartbeat is mesmerizing.

  “Hi, Ms. King,” a woman in mint green scrubs and skin the color of midnight walks in with a clipboard.

  “Hello” I smile nervously, even though watching the heartbeat has calmed me down and the bleeding has almost stopped, I still have a twinge of worry that everything isn’t going to be alright.

  “I’m Dr. Pike,” she adjusts her thick, vibrant green glasses on her nose and looks at me with genuine concern.

  “Is everything okay doctor?” My breath is tight in my chest as I wait for her to finish reading the results of all the tests they ran.

  “I’m happy to say it is.” She finally looks up and flashes me a toothy smile. “So, I won’t say it’s common for women as far along into their pregnancy to have bouts of fresh, heavy bleeding like you did,” she walks to the side of my bed and watches the fetal heart rate blip over the screen, “as you can see, the little one is relaxed and happy in there. We checked your cervix and there are no signs that it’s weakened or in danger of not being able to hold this pregnancy.”

  I let out a long sigh of relief, “So, you’re saying my baby is fine? Everything is good?”

  “It appears that way, yes. I’ve consulted with your gynecologist and he agrees that there doesn’t seem to be any need for concern at this point.”

  “Great,” I run my hand over my tummy and smile.

  “I’m sure you already answered a million questions, but were you doing any heavy lifting, like fifty pounds or more today?” She clicks the end of her pen and hovers it over the sheet, ready to scrawl my answer down.

  “No, nothing like that,” I watch as she records my words.

  “Good, good. So, nothing out of the ordinary before the bleeding. No lifting, no falls, no vigorous sex?”

  Heat blossoms over my cheeks, we didn’t get the chance to get to the vigorous sex part. “No, none of those,” I answer.

  The doctor scribbles some notes.

  I clear my throat, “Um, Dr. Pike?”

  “Yes?” She looks up, and tucks a strand of hair that escaped her sleek bun back behind her ear.

  “I don’t plan on lifting any weights or falling, obviously,” I giggle nervously.

  “Good, good,” she answers.

  “But do I need to avoid having sex too?” My voice is tight and I feel like an awkward kid back in sex education class, embarrassed to let the grown up in the room know that I’m interested in, you know, doing it.

  “No, no, don’t worry about that. You can have all the crazy sex you want. It’s actually really great for you,” she laughs. “I was just trying to pinpoint the reason for the bleeding, but sometimes there is no reason,” she smiles at me and I feel the knot in my stomach untie.

  “Great,” I can’t hide my relief and the doctor chuckles again.

  “Nurse Chavez will be letting your husband come in to visit you now that all the tests are done. We would like to keep you under observation for a couple more hours, just to be safe, and then you’ll be free to go home,” her brown eyes twinkle as she drops the chart at the foot of my bed. “Any other questions for me?”

  “No, thanks that’s everything.” Dr. Pike nods and then leaves the room.

  It’s just me and the baby again. My eyes glide back over to the monitor and the tension slips from my shoulders and floats away as I get hypnotized by the rhythmic beat of my baby’s heart once again.

  “Knock knock. Hey Mama, I’ve got some visitors for you,” the handsome, young nurse calls from the doorway.

  “Visitors?” I stress the “s” and lift my eyebrows as I look behind him. Nurse Chavez smiles at me and steps out of the way.

  “You guys can go in now,” he instructs them and my jaw drops open wide.

  Connor and Marcus walk into the room, both smiling at me warmly. I’m a little confused, but more than that, I’m grateful to see them both so relaxed and happy as they stand side-by-side next to the bed.

  “How are you doing?” Connor sweeps his palm over my forehead.

  “Good, they said everything is going to be fine,” I answer.

  “And the baby too?” Marcus looks over at the monitor.

  “That’s right. They want to keep me here for a couple more hours, just under observation, but then she said we can go.” Tears brim my eyes as I look at my brother and my man, finally putting the past behind them and getting along. I honestly never thought this day would come. I hold my little belly and silently thank my little bub for bringing us all together. Maybe that’s why I had this bleeding tonight. To show us all what’s really important.

  “It’s going to be late by the time you get finished up here. You don’t have to head all the way back out of town tonight. Why don’t you guys come to the house to crash after instead?” Marcus offers, looking down at me.

  I meet Connor’s green eyes, lifting a single eyebrow.

  “Thanks man, that would be great,” Connor answers.

  “Thanks Marcus,” I smile up at my big brother.

  “It’s the least I can do,” he nods at me. “I’m going to head back and make sure the place is tidied up and that we have food for breakfast in the morning,” my brother wipes the back of his hand over his eyes and steps back toward the door.

  “You don’t need to go through all the trouble,” Connor faces him.

  Marcus turns to face him and tears brim his eyes. “It’s no trouble, brother. I’m happy to have you,” his voice wavers and tears prick in the corners of my eyes too.

  In my heart, I never knew if this day would come. I’d hoped and prayed it would, but to see Marcus and Connor finally let the past go, it’s nothing short of a miracle.

  “Thanks,” Connor answers and
gives my brother a clap on the shoulder. “For everything.” Marcus nods solemnly and walks out the door.

  For the first time since Connor walked back into my life, my heart is truly full. With my baby doing well, my man by my side and my brother back in my life, it’s hard to imagine it getting any better than this.


  “You don’t have to stick around with me, there’s not much that’s going to happen now until they let me leave,” Charlotte smiles up at me sweetly.

  I don’t answer her, I just stride across the floor and drag one of the old chairs over in the corner to the side of her bed and plop down in it. My fingers trail over the blanket and wrap around her hand as I look deep into her chocolate eyes, “You’re not getting rid of me that easy,” I laugh. “I will be by your side the entire time until we can both walk out of here together,” I lightly drag my thumb over her bottom lip.

  “You mean all three of us,” she whispers, pulling my hand down to her stomach.

  “That’s right. The three of us,” I lean over the edge of her hospital bed and give her a soft kiss.

  “I don’t know how I could ever get through any of this without you,” she murmurs as I sit back down in my seat.

  “Well, if you want to get technical, you wouldn’t be in this position without me,” I smirk.

  “That’s true,” she giggles. “All of this craziness is basically all your fault,” she playfully taps my hand.

  “It might be crazy, but it’s beautiful. I can’t believe that you’ve got our child growing inside you. Just getting bigger and stronger each day. I hope she’s like you, she’s going to have an amazing Mom to look up to,” I look down at her tiny belly, just barely beginning to show and I can’t help the stupid grin sliding over my face.

  “Well, it might be a baby boy, we don’t know yet,” she tilts her head. “And if it is, I know he’ll be brave and handsome just like his Dad,” her eyes grow hazy as she imagines our future baby.

  “Basically, no matter what we have, this little one is covered. I know we don’t have any children yet, but I’m pretty sure we’re gonna be the best parents of all time,” I joke.

  “Oh, of course. Parenting experts in the making,” she laughs.

  I rub my thumb over the back of her hand and look into her eyes. In them I can see her devotion, her kindness and her beautiful heart. “I was kidding, but I’m not joking about this,” I squeeze her hand gently. “Our kid is lucky that it will have a mother as amazing inside and out as you. I don’t know a lot for sure, but I know that,” my voice grows thick with love.

  “Thank you,” Charlotte looks down at the hospital bed shyly.

  “Thank you, babe. Thank you for waiting for me, for finding me, for giving me a life I didn’t even know was possible. I love you,” I try to swallow the lump in my throat, but it’s been an emotional day, and I’m not sure how much more I can hold back.

  “I love you too Connor. I always have,” she breathes the words like a summer breeze that I hope will keep me warm well into my winter years.


  I love the feeling of the plump pillow cradling my head as Connor’s hard body cushions the curve of my ass. I open my eyes and smile as I run my hand down his tattooed arm, protectively thrown over me, keeping me close.

  It was a long night at the hospital, and having him by my side the entire time made the whole thing bearable. I graze my fingertips over the colorful mosaic of ink and snuggle back into him with a sigh.

  “Good morning beautiful,” he softly kisses the back of my neck, sending tingles spreading out through me.

  “Good morning,” my voice is still heavy with sleep, and I roll over to face him, giving him a tender kiss.

  “How are you feeling now? Is everything still okay?” His hand travels down my waist and rests on my little belly. I watch concern roll over his emerald eyes like gray clouds over a stormy sea.

  “It is. I got up to pee last night and the bleeding had completely stopped. Everything is going to be just fine,” I reassure him, repeating what the doctor told me.

  “Good, I was worried,” I expect him to pull me into him, maybe try to get a little morning snack here in bed with me before we go get breakfast, but instead, he runs his hand down over my arm and threads his fingers between mine.

  Connor rests his head on his other hand and smirks as he studies my face, “I can’t believe how beautiful you are, even when you just wake up. You’re stunning, you know that?”

  I look down at his lips, smiling. Fourteen years ago I could only dream of waking up next to him like this. I could only fantasize about him telling me I’m beautiful. It’s amazing to see the look in his eyes when he soaks me in. Like he’s in awe. I’ve never spent a lot of time trying to be beautiful. I was too awkward as a teen and just never got the hang of all the makeup tips or fashion. But when he looks at me like that, I feel like none of that matters. Like he can see the real me, and I can feel his love radiating out, enveloping me in his heart like I’m wrapped in his arms right now.

  “You’re not too bad yourself,” I tease him and give him a kiss. “Although, I’ve gotta say, you’re wearing entirely too many clothes if you ask me,” I walk my fingers over his chest and let them trail down to the edge of his underwear, but am surprised when he pulls back like I just poured a cup of ice water over his head.

  “What’s wrong?” I pout, watching him jump out of bed and tug on his pants.

  “Wrong? Nothing, I just want to get some breakfast,” his voice is tight and I can’t help but feel like I’ve done something wrong. Two seconds ago, he was holding me close and murmuring about my beauty and now he looks like he’s trying to run out the door.

  “Ok, well there’s no fire. Come back to bed and we’ll get breakfast after,” I pat the warm space he just leapt from on the mattress.

  “No, let’s get up. I’m starving,” he looks at me from the corner of his eye as his words fall unconvincingly on my ears.

  “Um, ok,” I slide out of bed, confused, but I don’t want to push it. I’m not sure what’s going on with Connor, but I know better than to make a big deal out of it. Besides, if I’m honest, it stings a bit to get rejected by him like this and I don’t really want to keep getting shut down.

  I tug on my clothes and follow Connor upstairs to the kitchen on the main floor. The aroma that only a month ago would’ve sent me running to the bathroom to throw up, wafts around me and my stomach growls.


  I lick my lips and practically float on the aromatic trail, like the old commercials of Toucan Sam, I just follow my nose into the kitchen.

  “Good morning you two,” Marcus beams as he tugs an oven mitt down over his hand and lifts a hot plate piled high with pancakes from the warming burner. “I was starting to think you were going to sleep the whole day away,” he laughs like he just said something funny and takes the plate over to the table, putting it down on a pot holder.

  “What’s all this?” I look at the dining room table in shock. With three place settings all ready for us and plates of scrambled eggs, bacon, pancakes and sliced strawberries down the center of the table, it looks like an IHOP advertisement.

  “I thought it would be nice for us all to eat together, come sit down,” he corrals us to the table and I sit down across from Connor and dig in.

  “Wow, this looks amazing, thank you,” Connor begins scooping eggs and pilfering crispy strips of bacon onto his plate.

  “Of course, enjoy,” Marcus starts stacking his own plate with the food and I grab a couple of pancakes and slide them onto my plate.

  “Thank you Marcus,” I slather butter over the fluffy pancakes and grab some syrup. “Hey, save some bacon for the rest of us,” I grab the plate from Connor laughing.

  For a second we all dig in to the breakfast buffet and all you can hear are the sounds of our forks scraping over the china and us munching on the delicious food.

  I look up at Connor and over to my brother before peeri
ng down at my belly. I’d always hoped that we would all come together as a family like this, but it looked so bleak that I didn’t think it would happen. I can’t help the sweet smile that pulls at the corners of my mouth right now. It just feels like everything in this moment is perfect.

  “Hey, so I was up late last night thinking,” Marcus interrupts my thoughts and Connor and I look over to him.

  “Yeah?” Connor’s eyebrows shoot up.

  “Yeah, I was thinking about the house here, you know, Mom and Dad left it to me, but I don’t have a family to fill it. It’s too big and empty for me to live in alone,” Marcus finishes chewing his pancake and swallows it down with some orange juice.

  “Ok,” I tilt my head wondering where this is going.

  “This place isn’t meant to be one man’s empty castle,” my brother continues. “It’s meant to be lived in by a family. The halls are supposed to be filled with the pitter-patter of little feet. This dining room is meant to have big family dinners in.”

  “What are you saying?” Connor’s fork stops in midair with yellow scrambled eggs piled on top.

  “I want to give you two the house.” Marcus puffs out his chest proudly. “It’s what our parents would have wanted,” he nods at me. “I’ve decided that I will move into a condo closer to the church and that you two will take this place. It’s perfect for the little one and however many other little ones you have after this,” Marcus smiles at me but I don’t return it.

  “But, Connor already has a house. And he’s already renovated it for the baby,” I shake my head slowly.

  “Yeah, right,” Marcus almost spits out his juice with surprise. “You can’t raise a family in old man Lou’s rundown shack. That’s not a place for children. I’m actually shocked that it’s not condemned,” he steamrolls over me, ignoring the part where I said “renovated.”

  “Listen, it’s a nice offer, Marcus,” Connor interjects, “but I’ve done a lot of work on my place. It’s a good home for the baby. I’m proud of my place and Charlotte is happy there,” he looks over at me and I nod in agreement.