TinderElla: Read online

Page 38

  “Keep going?” I want to make sure I don’t push her too hard or too far, but she nods slightly and I pump my girth into her mouth further. Her face flushes red and I hold her head tight as I bury my cock inside her mouth and pull back out quickly to the tip. She doesn’t try to release me from her mouth, instead she teases the head, sucking on it and driving me to the brink of my sanity. “I love you on your knees,” I growl and thrust into her mouth again, driving my cock in over her tongue and down to her throat. It takes everything I have, it takes more strength and determination than it took to get through my SEAL training, but I manage to find a shred of self-control and pull out. “But I want to bury my face between yours right now,” I release my hands from her face and step back from her. Confusion clouds her eyes as I walk away from her and I plunge back into the pool.

  As I emerge from the water, I see Vanessa sitting on her perfectly round ass watching me closely. “What are you doing?” she almost sounds betrayed.

  “Sit on the edge of the pool and I’ll show you.” I’m not really asking and she knows it. I can see her eyes twinkle as she realizes what I want and she crawls over to the side on her hands and knees, giving me a full view of her full, perky tits as she does.

  Vanessa sits up and swings her legs over the edge of the pool, letting her feet dip into the water and I reach up, wrapping my hands over her hips and pull her closer until she’s barely clinging onto the edge.

  “I need to taste you again,” my voice is thick with need as I hook my finger over the lace covering her pussy and tug it to the side. Her lips are shimmering with her juices and I lick my lips, hungry to lap them up.

  Holding her under my control, I bury my head between her open thighs and gently pull one of her lips into my mouth, tugging it just a tiny bit before releasing it. I lick a long swipe of her other lip and then do the same thing, tugging a littler harder this time. Vanessa leans back on her hands and opens her legs wider for me as I delve my tongue in past her lips and plunge it into her core. Her pussy clenches against my tongue and her nectar splashes over it. She’s so tight and so sweet, my cock twitches in the cool water of the pool as I ache for her to be wrapped around me.

  I slip back out of her center and slowly drag my tongue up to her clit as she gasps to the sky. My hands are holding her firm against my face as I savor every second, teasing her sensitive nub with my tongue. I flicker just the tip of my tongue over her clit in a flurry and then roll it flat against her slit before circling my lips around it and thrashing against her nub feverishly.

  Vanessa’s thighs tense and she arches her back, pressing her sweet pussy against my face harder as I relentlessly pursue her pleasure with my tongue. She tosses her head back and cries out to the night sky as a ripple travels her body and she presses her thighs together tight, pushing my head away with both hands.

  “Oh my God! Oh Gabe, oh fuck!” She loses control and vibrates against me as I smile smugly. “That was incredible,” she takes effort to talk, like each word is a breathless sentence. I let go of her hips and move back in the water.

  “I’m glad, but I’m not done with you yet. Get your sweet ass in here,” I tug her ankles and she giggles, pushing herself off the edge of the pool and into the water. Her smile evaporates as she sees the burning lust in my eyes. I reach down under the water, “This has to go,” I tug the red ribbon that’s been taunting me all night, yanking it free and watching as her teddy falls open. I slide the fabric free from her silky shoulders and let the lace float away from us in the pool as I gaze over her sensual curves. “Fuck you’re sexy,” my voice is hoarse as my body pulses with need for her. “I have to have you again, Vanessa,” I confess. “I need to fuck you.” I flip her around so she’s facing the edge that I just ate her out on, and press up against her. I grind my cock into her perfect ass and she gasps with surprise.

  “Not there!” She sounds alarmed. Of course, I wouldn’t fuck her ass without warning or lubrication.

  I grind into her harder though and whisper in her ear, “Not tonight.” I wrap my hand around the base of my cock and press it against her pussy, the tip lined up at the entrance. “Tonight, I’ve got everything I want right here.” I thrust inside her, pushing into her, stretching her out and filling her until I’m completely buried inside.

  “Ohhh!” Vanessa thrusts her ass out and flattens her head on the pool tile, holding on to the side so hard I can see her knuckles turn white.

  “You’re so tight, I fucking love being inside you. This pussy is mine Vanessa, you understand? You’re mine,” I growl and thrust into her again hard.

  “I’m yours,” she pants and I cover her own hands with mine as I pump into her hard and fast. She squeezes down against me and mewls as I fully sink into her, as deep as possible. I can’t hold back anymore, I bury my cock inside her, over and over again and each time harder than the last until my shaft twitches and my orgasm tears through me.

  “Fuck!” I growl, as my cum spills into her, filling her up as my seed empties.

  “Oh, oh, oh!” She quakes back against me, her pussy clenching tight as her muscles twist up and she throws her head back again.

  For a moment we’re locked together, both panting, both breathing hard as we are intertwined in the water. I kiss the back of her neck and pull out, releasing her hands from my grasp. Vanessa turns around to face me, her eyes are bright and her lips swollen.

  “It happened again,” she sounds completely amazed as she looks at me curiously. “What is it about you? She shakes her head in awe.

  “It’s how I feel about you, it’s how you feel about me,” I explain and pull her in tight, “we are meant for each other.”

  “I think you’re right, she murmurs and I let go of the side of the pool, leaning back in the water until I’m floating. I wrap one arm around her to keep her close and she floats next to me, both of us looking up at the sky, both of us lost souls who finally found the person that makes us whole in this universe.


  “Alright everyone quiet on the set, we’re ready to shoot the rain sequence in five, four,” Bobby Bambino, our Director silently holds up three stubby fingers, then two and one. The cameras are all pointing just below the gushing sprinklers that are supposed to simulate a downpour in Manhattan.

  “Nessa,” Erik silently creeps up on me and whispers in my ear. “I know you’re not really down with partying now that you’ve got your new fuck buddy over there.” He jerks his head to the seats where Gabe is sitting with Axle at his feet, “But I think we need to make some time off set to go over our scenes.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I hiss, “and besides, it’s none of your business.”

  “Yeah, yeah, it’s a big mystery. He’s living at your house, hanging out in your trailer and you look at him after every scene like a lost puppy looking for its master,” his voice is hot and sticky in my ear. “But you go ahead and stick with your clueless act, it’s real cute,” he whispers.

  “What’s the problem, Erik? Are you suddenly jealous? Did you think I was going to sit around crying about losing you? Get over yourself,” my own hushed tone gets a bit louder and the director gives us a look.

  “But you did cry over me, didn’t you?” His smug smile makes me want to dig my fingernails into the sides of his eyes and drag them until he’s screaming and bleeding everywhere.

  “Go fuck yourself Erik, I’m guessing that’s your favorite lay anyway,” I twist away from him but he grabs my arm and yanks me back. “Hey!” I don’t whisper this time.

  “Better than fucking someone who lays there like a starfish,” he sneers.

  Woof-woof! Grrr!

  Axle races across the floor to my side and flashes his teeth at Erik. He immediately drops my arm and I rub my fingers over where he grabbed me tight.

  “What the fuck man? Call off your gimped-up mutt,” Erik’s voice goes up a few octaves as he turns to the side and puts his hands out in Axle’s face.

  Gabe rush
es over to us, “Axle, down!” he commands and his dog instantly lays down and stops growling, but he doesn’t take his eyes off Erik.

  “What the hell is going on over here? You’ve all ruined this shot, do you hear me? What the fuck is your problem?” Our Director Bobby angrily stomps over waving his hands in the air theatrically. His round face is growing redder by the minute. Even the massive sea of skin on his bald head is changing color.

  “I was just talking to Nessa about our lines,” Erik whines like a little kid tattling to his mommy.

  “Vanessa,” I correct him through gritted teeth.

  “Whatever,” he ignores me, “and this dog made a run at me.” He points in Axle’s face.

  “No, you grabbed me and the dog came over to protect me,” I argue.

  Gabe stands up straighter and glares at Erik while Bobby shakes his head violently and starts yelling, “I don’t care! Okay? He said, she said, blah, blah, blah. All I care about is that my scene is ruined because of you two and this stupid dog! Now listen to what I’m saying right now because if you don’t, you guys might need to find another movie, got it?” He doesn’t wait for anyone to answer, his face is bordering on purple now and with his diet of mostly soda and salty snacks I’m a little concerned he might be having a stroke. “When I say quiet on the set, you two shut the fuck up! No whispering, don’t even look at each other! And that dog needs to go, right fucking now. Get him outta here and don’t bring him back anymore!” He stamps his feet like a three-year-old having a meltdown in a supermarket.

  “Did you hear that, Quasi? You need to get your ugly-ass pooch out of here,” Erik looks so happy with himself, all puffed up like he just won a trophy.

  “I heard,” Gabe sneers at him.

  “Are you growling at me too? What are you gonna do, hit me?” Erik steps forward, and Gabe balls his fists tight, still not blinking his narrowed eyes.

  I jump between them, “Don’t do it, please. Just let it go,” I plead into Gabe’s eyes and his rage begins to settle back down. “Can you just take him back to my place, please?” I try to diffuse the situation, but I can see the pain in Gabe’s eyes as he realizes I’m asking him to leave too. “I’ll see you at the end of the day, okay?” I cup my hand on his jaw and he looks away, betrayal clouding his face.

  Gabe turns away and whistles, “C’mon Axle, let’s go.” His dog obediently follows him.

  “That’s right, do as your little lady tells ya,” Erik yells out.

  “You’re not worth it man. You’re not worth a fucking thing,” Gabe calls back and nonchalantly walks to the door as Erik’s shoulders slump forward.

  “Whatever,” Erik pouts and storms off the set leaving me in the sights of Bobby’s anger.

  “I’m gonna go to my trailer too,” I awkwardly tell him, like he gives a shit.

  He doesn’t.

  As I make my way to the trailer, tears spring to my eyes. Fuck Erik and his petty bullshit. I hated seeing that pain in Gabe’s eyes, but what was I supposed to do? A knot ties up in my stomach as I curl up in my recliner. Is he, mad at me? Or just Erik? I’m second-guessing everything and the knot in my gut ties tighter. Great, now I just have about eight more hours on set to wait until I can go smooth things over with Gabe.



  “I wish I would’ve smashed his smarmy fucking face,” I growl and wipe up the beads of water sliding down my body with a towel. Axle listens to me intently and I get the feeling he understands. He wanted to take a piece out of that guy as much as I did.

  Once I’m dried down, I wrap the towel around my waist and walk from the pool to the house. I thought that a dip in the refreshing water would cool me off, but no such luck. I’m still fuming about what happened on the set. Axle walks in through the door behind me and I shut it, looking around the vacant house blankly.

  Now what am I supposed to do?

  “I’m supposed to be her fucking bodyguard, not some kind of potted plant just sitting in her empty house looking pretty. This is stupid,” I shake my head and walk down to my room like a kid who got grounded for staying out too late.

  The tags on Axle’s collar jingle as he loyally follows me. Everywhere I go, he’s on my heel. He’s the best trained dog in this town, I’d even bet he’s better trained than those stupid Hollywood mutts. He’s got a rank in the United States military for God’s sake, he specialized in bomb sniffing but also knew how to watch for suspicious behavior and take down a perp. If he went after Erik, it’s because that douche deserved it. No question.

  “And now what are we supposed to do?” I look into his soulful brown eyes and sigh. “Are we supposed to hang out here everyday? Or am I supposed to drop you off at doggy daycare so I can go hang out in Vanessa’s trailer for hours on end? This whole thing is stupid. I’m going to have to talk to her, I’m not sure we can keep doing this,” I run my hand through my damp hair and drop my towel to the floor. Since I took a dip in her pool naked, I don’t have a soggy swimsuit to worry about. Instead I flick on the television hoping there’s something on to distract me as I rustle through my clothes to find some clean underwear and pants to put on.

  I need to do laundry. Or maybe I should buy a few more clothes. I only wear a couple of pairs of jeans and a rotation of about five shirts, day after day. I squat down and rummage through my duffle bag, finally grabbing what are probably my last pair of clean underwear and put them on.


  I glance over at my cell, that’s probably Vanessa. I imagine she wants to apologize for that shit show on the set. I mean, I know it’s not her fault, but it would still cool the embers of anger burning in my gut to talk to her about what a twatwaffle her co-star is.


  I swipe my thumb across the phone and hop into my bed, “Hello?”

  “Hey man! I got ya, awesome!” I was expecting Vanessa, so it takes me a second to place the voice.


  “Hey bud, what’s happening?” I lean back against the pillows and remember that he said he’d be heading to Los Angeles to visit me soon. I completely forgot with all the distractions around here. Until today, they were welcome distractions too.

  “I’m gonna be in your neck of the woods tomorrow. I was hoping we could meet up for a bit, maybe hang for a night? Are you still cool with that?”

  I look around the guest bedroom I’m staying in and sigh. The problem with this job, with this whole situation is, I have no idea what’s going on. I don’t know if Vanessa needs me around here at night. I don’t know if I’m even going to the set with her anymore… I just don’t know.

  “Yeah man, I’m sure we can figure out something,” I try not to commit to anything.

  “Cool, so are you still good with me crashing at your place for a couple of nights while I’m there?”

  I forgot I told him he could stay in my rental. Not that it’s a big deal, I just need to meet up with him and give him the key, “Sure Ryan, you can stay there as long as you like man,” I look up at the television and my eyes slide open wide with surprise as I see Vanessa on the screen being followed by some TMZ camera guy.

  “Hey, I’m gonna need to call you back, okay? I’ve gotta go,” I don’t wait for his answer, instead I end the call and reach for the remote cranking the volume up.

  Vanessa is looking down at the ground like she’s trying to hide from the camera behind her hair as she makes her way out of, some kind of cafe. Behind her is Erik, mugging at the camera like he can’t get enough of it.

  “Is it true that you two are back together? Has your on-screen romance rekindled something?” The faceless man behind the camera asks.

  Vanessa looks like she’s grinding down her teeth as she tries to walk away from them.

  “Us?” Erik answers, “Nah, Vanessa is off the market right now, aren’t you Nessa?”

  She shoots him a look and he smiles broadly.

  “Who’s the lucky guy, Vanessa?” The man recording them shouts.

It’s her bodyguard. Right?” Erik stays on her heels like Axle does to me.

  “Really? That guy?” the guy conducting the ‘interview’ says.

  “It’s not true,” Vanessa answers flatly, glaring at Erik. “I’m not seeing anyone, just enjoying the single life,” Vanessa forces a thin-lipped smile at the camera. “Anyway, we’ve got to go guys, nice seeing you,” she practically runs up to the car and hops in.

  My blood boils at the whole scene. I’m not sure what part has me angrier, the fact that Erik takes so much joy from making her miserable and putting her on the spot, or the fact that she denied our relationship.

  Her words from the other night ring in my ears. About how it’s best not to respond to tabloids when they speculate on romantic connections because it just fuels them.

  I guess there’s always exceptions to the rule when the speculation is about someone who looks like me.


  I slurp another mouthful from my cup of noodles and cringe. After eating Vanessa’s cooking, these cheap noodles taste like flakes of burnt rubber floating in salt water. This, is why you shouldn’t get used to the finer things in life, because eventually it all comes to an end. It’s a lot harder to go back to discount bins and coupons when you’ve been living all your champagne wishes and caviar dreams.

  The same goes for women.

  Just as my head gets muddled with thoughts of Vanessa, the door opens and she walks into the house like a zombie. She’s gotta be exhausted, the way she’s moving makes me feel sore and I’ve been sitting around the house all day.

  “Hey,” she gives me an uncertain smile that I don’t return. “Don’t eat that Gabe, let me make you something,” she offers.

  “I’m good. Besides it’s not your job to cook for me,” my voice is like a steel rod, cold and hard.

  “I know it’s not my job,” she frowns a little and looks into my eyes, but I’ve already put up my defences. Around my heart is a cage of barbed wire. I refuse to act like a fool, running around with my heart on my sleeve for a woman that’s ashamed of me.