TinderElla: Read online

Page 40

  “I don’t know,” I admit. “I didn’t really let her explain,” it occurs to me for the first time.

  “Look, why don’t you go back to the hotel and give her a call, or better yet, sober up and go talk to her. I know you’ve been through some shit, Gabe, and I know your fiancé ditching you fucked you up man, but not everything is about your scars. You’re the only one who makes it about them all the time. There’s a lot of people who still see past that shit, even if you can’t,” he claps his hand on my shoulder sloppily and I soak in his words.

  They say that honesty comes out of the mouths of children and drunks. Maybe Ryan’s got a point. Do I make everything about the damage I suffered? Am I just damaged?

  “I don’t know,” I answer slowly.

  “I do. Look, brother, I love ya. You know that, but you and Vegas don’t mix right now. Go see her, talk it out, and hear what she has to say. If it’s about your face, then at least you know, but if it’s not, don’t you want to know that too?” He looks at me with his deep blue eyes.

  “What are you gonna do if I go?”

  “Have some fucking fun for once,” he laughs. “The waitress at the strip club gave me her number,” he gives me a sly smile. “When she gets off in an hour I’m gonna make sure she keeps getting off all night.”

  I think it over, looking around the sidewalk of drunks and people having a great time. He’s right, I’m not enjoying myself here. I feel like a shit friend, but I know what I need to do.

  I need to see her.


  I slowly circle my legs on the elliptical doing the laziest, least effective workout possible as I watch television and talk to Fiona with my hands-free all at the same time. Multi-tasking doesn’t let me focus on the pain, even when I’m explaining everything that happened to my agent.

  “So, what you’re saying is Erik fucked this up for you too?” Fiona asks and I nod like she can see me.

  “Yup, it’s so messed up. I feel like I’m just lost without him too, like the house seems too empty now. I miss him,” my heart tugs in my chest and I pedal faster, trying to outrun the pain. I know I’m going to regret this late-night chat tomorrow, but it’s not like I can just shut off my mind and go to sleep. My body craves his arms around me now. The bed feels empty without him.

  “Do you love him?” Leave it to Fiona to cut right to the quick.

  “I, uh, don’t know,” I lie, my heart knows the truth. I never would’ve believed I could fall for someone as quickly as I did for Gabe, but when two souls connect like we did, time doesn’t seem to matter all that much.

  Or at least it didn’t. Now every hour without him stretches on like a month. I went from not noticing the days that slid by when he was by my side to being painfully aware of every second without him. It’s so hard to go from living with someone to nothing. I haven’t heard from him since he walked out of here, and time has slowly ticked by ever since.

  “You don’t sound that unsure to me,” she presses me but I ignore her.

  “You know it’s crazy, but I even miss his dog. Like, right now I can almost hear him barking,” I sigh.

  “No, that’s not your imagination Vanessa, I hear a dog barking too,” she laughs at me.

  “Oh,” I pull my headset off my ears and tilt my head, sure enough I can hear a dog outside my house somewhere.


  Wait, is someone at my door? I jump off the elliptical and my heart pounds in my chest, “Fiona, someone is here, I’ve gotta go!” I hang up my cell and rush to the door, “Coming!” I don’t use my sing-songy voice this time. Instead I sound desperate as I race across the floor. I yank the door open and my heart leaps in my throat as I look at Gabe and Axle standing on my front step.

  “I’m sorry, I know it’s late,” Gabe runs his hand through his brown hair and looks down at me. “Can we talk?” He looks at me like there’s a chance I might say no.

  ’There isn’t.

  “Yeah, of course. Come in, I was up anyway,” I move out of the way and they walk in as I close the door behind them. I have a million questions that I leave unasked on my tongue. I can see he’s struggling and I don’t want to watch him storm out of here again without hearing me out, so instead of asking him why he didn’t call me or answer my texts, I lead the way to the living room and plop down on the couch.

  Gabe sits beside me and Axle lies down on the floor like he’s happy to be back.

  I’m happy to have him back. Both of them.

  Gabe looks down at his hands and I can smell the faint scent of alcohol. “Have you been drinking?”

  “What? No, well, yeah, I was, but that was hours ago. I drove here from Vegas,” he looks tired as he meets my eyes.

  “From Vegas? Like Las Vegas?” I look at the time on my phone.

  “Is there another one?” His eyes look bleary as he watches me. “I made good time, it only took three hours, what I have to tell you, I didn’t want to do this on the phone,” his lips turn down and I study his face.

  “I’m listening,” I put down my phone and ignore the fact that I’m supposed to get up to meet my trainer in less than five hours. I don’t care.

  Gabe looks down at the floor and sighs, for a moment, I don’t think he’s going to talk at all. The silence between us is roaring like an ocean breaking in my ears.

  “When I was in the SEALs,” his voice is little more than a whisper, but it makes me jump in my seat, “I had a stupid fucking nickname, Gabe the Babe,” he chuckles dryly. “And you know what, I was proud of that name. I wore that shit like a badge of honor because that’s who I was,” he stresses his words. “I was my looks. Period. I was shallow and vain and I didn’t give a fuck because I looked good and everyone knew it,” he balls up his fist and hits his hand wrapping his palm around it.

  I slide my fingers over his hands and he looks up at me, like I pulled him from another time. He almost looks surprised to be sitting here. “Gabe, I didn’t mean to say…”

  “Let me finish,” his voice creaks, “please.”

  I nod and close my mouth, but I don’t move my hand from his.

  “So, when this shit happened,” he moves his hand from under mine and sweeps it across his face, “I already told you my fiancé called it quits. And that stung, but it wasn’t the end of my world. It wasn’t until I was fully patched up and I got to go home and see my folks,” his chin quivers slightly and he breathes in a shaky breath. “See, when I was growing up, my mom was always bragging about me. You know, like every mom does, but her big thing was that I was her beautiful boy. She constantly said that, even when I was a teenager and it made me cringe, even before I left for my deployment. Anyway, when I came back she never said it anymore. I wasn’t her beautiful boy, just her broken boy. And it made me realize that if my own mother couldn’t see that in me anymore then it really was gone,” his voice chokes up.

  “That’s not true,” I protest, but he holds up his hand and I bite my tongue.

  “I was out with a SEAL buddy I served with tonight and he told me something, he said I make everything about my scars. Not other people, but me. And I realized it was true. When I saw you on TMZ denying you and I had anything, the first thing I thought of was that you were ashamed of how I look, because if my own mother couldn’t see any beauty in me anymore, how could you?” Gabe wipes the tears he’s been holding back from the corners of his eyes and looks at the ground.

  I scoot closer to him and wrap my arms around him, letting him take the time he needs. Finally, Gabe opens his arms and pulls me into him and I feel like I’m home.

  “Gabe, the reason I said that wasn’t because I was ashamed. Not at all,” I find it hard to talk around the lump growing in my throat. “It was because this town has a way of ruining every good thing for me. I didn’t want us to be under that kind of pressure, you know? I didn’t want it to be about them, I wanted you to myself. Just for me. Look at me,” I tenderly cup my hand on the side of his jaw and he looks at me with his red-
rimmed eyes. “You are beautiful Gabe. When I look at you, I don’t see scars, I don’t care about them at all. I see you,” tears fall down my cheeks and he swipes his thumb over them.

  “Vanessa, I love you,” he leans in until our foreheads are touching.

  “I love you too,” I let myself admit the truth finally.

  Gabe’s hands slide around my back and he pulls me into him tight, kissing me hard. I can feel the urgency, the pain, the longing and the sorrow in his kiss. I can feel the burden he’s carried all this time and I can feel his willingness to have a fresh start. Our tongues confide our deepest secrets as they dance together, telling each other much more than what we could ever express in words.

  Suddenly Gabe stands up and holds out his hand to me, I clasp it and as I rise to my feet, he lifts me up and carries me. I rest my head against his broad chest, feeling safe in his arms. “I missed you,” I murmur, “I couldn’t sleep without you.”

  “Well, I think we should get to bed,” he kisses my nose as he walks me down the hall to my room, “but I don’t know if I’m going to help with that sleep problem. Not until I’ve thoroughly worn you out,” he steps into my bedroom and lays me gently on the bed.


  Gabe stands at the edge of my bed, staring down at me. My cheeks flush and I squirm a little as he doesn’t move a muscle. He just gazes over me, unblinking.

  “What are you doing?” I shrivel up a little against the bedspread, feeling vulnerable. As he stands there, like a towering statue, examining me, I feel more exposed than I ever did at the sex club with him. I’m not sure how that’s possible, how he can see into me like this. Why do I get the feeling he can see my secrets? Why does it feel like my truth is revealed to his eyes?

  “I’m sorry,” he seems to suddenly realize how uncomfortable he’s making me and blinks like he just woke up from a long nap where you aren’t sure what time of day or night it is because everything's so blurry. “I just can’t believe I was almost stupid enough to lose this,” his voice is thin and strained, “to lose you. It just would’ve been too much.” Gabe climbs onto the bed, planting his arms on either side of me and kisses me tenderly.

  “Well, you didn’t lose me,” I slide my fingers over the side of his face and get lost in his sea blue eyes. “I’m right here,” I smile.

  “I know,” he lays me back on my pillow and sits between my legs, still staring at me, but now I understand why. “And now I want to see all of you,” Gabe leans over me, kissing a slow, lazy trail down my neck, the heat of his breath billowing over my sensitive skin. His lips stop at the strap of my tank top and he sits up, tugging my hands softly to help me up too.

  “You’re so beautiful Vanessa,” he murmurs as he slips his hands under my shirt and I lift my hands in the air, granting him permission to take it off. “Every single part of you,” he lets my shirt dangle from his fingertips for a moment before gravity tugs it to the floor. The entire time he never stops looking at me, watching me, soaking me in like it’s not physically possible for him to look away. I reach behind and unclasp my bra, letting the lacy cups fall free from my breasts and toss it away.

  Gabe guides me back to the bed, laying me down and softly cups my breasts as he licks a circle around my pink nipple. He takes his time with me, there’s no urgency in his actions. Instead, it’s as if he’s savoring every inch of my skin. He tugs my nipple in past his lips and I arch my back at the buzzing sensation that fires through me. My skin prickles with heat as he kisses over to my other breast, licking and rubbing his thumb over my nipple until it’s a diamond tip.

  His mouth is soft as he kisses and nibbles a path down my belly to my pants. Gabe opens my yoga pants from my body, but doesn’t try to take them off. Instead he slides his hand in under my panties and plunges it into my wet pussy. He pulls it out, looking at his glistening fingers before he licks my juices off everyone. “You taste amazing,” he meets my eyes again and I can feel my skin heat up as a blush travels over my cheeks.

  Gabe shimmies my pants down over my hips and my panties slide down with them, he tugs them free from my legs leaving me completely naked. I begin to feel a bit uncomfortable just lying here my skin bare, my soul bare, and my love exposed, while he takes his time looking me over.

  How am I able to stand naked under the scrutiny of all the crew working on my set, or under the peeping eyes of complete strangers in the sex club and not feel as raw and stripped down as I do right now. What is it about him?

  I sit up, trying to push away the feeling, and help take his shirt off. He pulls it free easily and it disappears with the other clothing on the floor. My fingers fumble with his belt and he grabs my hands, stopping me and pops the button, tugging the zipper down quickly. His movements are so smooth, like a cool ebb and flow of the waves. Before I know it, he’s removed his pants and his hand slides up over his stiff cock as he looks over me. That stare, those eyes, it makes me melt inside. I lay back on the bed and pull him on top of me, but he rolls over and sits me up on his hips.

  “No, I want to see you Vanessa. I don’t want you hiding from me anymore. I want to see all of you, every beautiful curve, and every sexy inch. All those parts you’ve told yourself are flaws, are amazing. I want to watch you bounce on top of me, I need to see everything.

  I sit up taller and straddle his huge cock, feeling braver, sexier than usual. I wish I could see myself through his eyes, but right now it’s enough to know how he sees me.

  Gabe grabs the base of his shaft and I slowly slide it inside me. I can feel my walls stretching out to make room for him as I push my ass down and feel fuller than I’ve ever felt. He thrusts his hips up as I buck mine down, removing any remaining space between us. He runs his hands over the length of me and reaches up to my breasts, giving them a squeeze and I swirl my hips, riding him slowly. Just like one of those bucking bulls you see at the bars, I begin slow and start rocking as he drives his cock into me. I feel like I should be holding my cowgirl hat in the air as we go faster and harder, my tits bounce as my ass claps down on him with every thrust.

  “Lean back,” his voice is raspy but demanding.

  I lean back and grab his legs for support as he slides his thumb in past my lips and onto my clit. Inside me I can feel an incredible pressure building up as his cock rubs against my inner wall and makes me gasp loudly at the new sensation. Gabe fucks me harder and I hold onto his legs tightly as the powerful feeling overwhelms me. Suddenly it feels like an explosion is set off inside me that rockets my orgasm through me like fireworks cascading across a midnight sky.

  “Ohhh, fuuuck,” I breathe the words as I dig my nails into Gabe’s legs and he drops his thumb from my clit and holds my hips tight. He holds me still in midair and fucks me, thrusting into me until his cock is buried inside completely, every time. His biceps flex and he closes his eyes as his cock surges into my pussy, his cum splashes against my walls and fills me. He drops his ass back down to the bed and he lets go of my hips, and I crash down on top of him. Both of us are completely exhausted and breathing hard.

  “I’m glad you came back,” I whisper. “I wasn’t sure what I was going to do without you.”

  Gabe kisses my forehead and wraps his arms around me, pulling me tightly. “I’m glad you’ll never need to find out,” he murmurs in my ear and a smile spreads over my lips.

  I nestle in against his chest as I hear Gabe’s breathing grow deeper as sleep overtakes him. My own mind travels to the future, one with Gabe in it and Axle as our furbaby, and maybe real babies of our own. I close my eyes and let myself drift off into that world while I lie safe and happy in his arms.


  I am completely and utterly exhausted. I think my makeup artist hates me. I mean, I would hate me if I was her. I don’t think I got more than an hour of sleep before my trainer was ringing the doorbell. It felt like I collapsed in Gabe’s arms, blinked, and then had to drag my weary ass back out of bed.

  I smile as I remember his hands on my body las
t night, looking out past the camera crew to where he’s seated on the sidelines of all the action. His blue eyes lock onto mine and I feel a full body tingle that shoots from my hair straight down to my pussy. I bite my lip and wish away the hours left on set until I have him back in my bed… naked.

  Everyone is doing last second touch-ups for the next scene. My character is supposed to have agreed to allow Erik’s character to introduce her to spanking. He’s going to pretend to smack my bare ass with a paddle while I’m bent over a desk. The only way I can get through this convincingly is to put Gabe in his place. That’s what we do right? Pretend. Luckily, with him only a few feet away, it won’t be too difficult to picture him.

  “Okay, Vanessa I need you to really grip the sides of the desk when you’re bent over. Got it? I want white knuckles and then when Erik lines the paddle up on your ass, we’re gonna do a close-up on your face, so I need you to sell pain that becomes unexpected pleasure, got it?” Bobby barks his orders at me and I nod.

  “No problem,” I answer.

  As he gives Erik his notes for the scene, I set my gaze on Gabe. Just picture him. Imagine his strong, sexy hands smacking my ass as I’m laying across his lap. I might just need to rehearse some lines with him later, you know, for good measure, in case we need to reshoot this scene in the future.

  Bobby settles in behind the director’s screen and calls out the countdown as my assistant takes my robe and I lie over the edge of the hard, oak desk, gripping the sides for dear life.

  Erik is just behind me, but in my mind, it’s Gabe. It helps that I don’t have to actually look at Erik’s smug face.